
I had always wanted to design my own website, everyone seems to have their own websites nowadays, it is almost like my own corner of the internet, a place where I can feel comfortable uploading my ideas for the world to see. In the near future, when I have more experience and expertise, I can always update this webpage and show to the world my content. Isn’t that magical! I can always turn this site into a portfolio, showcasing my projects and achievements to employers and advertise myself. Previously, I always had to go through the arduous process of sharing google drives and an endless string of files and documents. Now i can simply direct them to

At the beginning of summer, I enrolled in the CS50x course in hope of starting web programming. A field which I have zero knowledge and experience. A few days ago, I hardcoded my own webpage using html + javascript + CSS along with the flask framework. It was incredibly difficult, I managed to create a basic webpage that somewhat resembled a personal website after nearly a week of code. At that moment that I realised I simply cannot hardcode websites without plugins or any sort of premade templates. It is simply too much work and effort.

Nowadays, website builders are just too readily available that it is merely too impractical to build websites from scratch. Thus I took that process as merely a learning experience, learning how websites work on a fundamental level, how applications and their interfaces are designed. These skills will come in handy whether it is in a career or educational environment. From that moment, you will never look at websites with the same mindset again, always will be thinking about its structure and logics behind the buttons and anchor links.

After building my personal (somewhat) website from scratch, I found an incredibly inspirational person on LinkedIn called Sourish Sharma . I hope to follow his path in sixth form. His personal website, I believe, was built from scratch, it is amazing. I wanted to do the same thing, yet I lacked in skills, hence I had to “cheat” and resort to the help of wordpress. But anyways, it gets the job done 😀 much easily.

The current state

As of launch, I have the following pages:

  1. home page
  2. Badminton
  3. Blog

Each page contains a topic that I am interested in and have lots to share. As time flows, I’ll have more to add to each section.

I hope to begin the CS50game dev course. Because web dev, appears to me with my limited understanding, as a field that is seemingly a tad pointless. Like I had previously said, web templates (wix, godaddy, wordpress…) are just too easy to use. Game dev, is not only more fascinating, but something that I can show to my friends and add to my personal website. As an aspiring computer science student, game development is something that I would obviously explore.

When I start building more and more personal websites, I will add another projects page, showcasing a list of my programming portfolios. That would be amazing!


After getting the website set up, I plan to finish the CS50x course and begin a new chapter of my programming experience! There will be many difficulties, but the process of overcoming each problem one by one will be a valuable skill for personal growth and a valuable skill preparing me for my future career in this industry. But for now, I hope you enjoy the site 😀


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